Name Game
Name Game

The Rules

At the beginning of a round, the game will randomly select a category and a letter.

The first player has 10 seconds to name something of the chosen category that begins with the chosen letter. For example, if the category is "food or drink" and the chosen latter is "C", a valid response would be "cake".

The next player has 15 seconds to name another something of the chosen category that begins with the chosen letter. Answers may not be duplicated.

The next player has 16 seconds to provide the next name, a ceiling that increases by 1 second per response.

If a player fails to provide a valid response in the time allotted, they lose. The player that would have answered next must provide the first answer in the next round.


There are some circumstances where a round can end in a draw (nobody loses):

If the first player fails to provide a valid response in 10 seconds, the timer is reset to 15 seconds. If any player can provide a valid response in 15 seconds, the first player loses. Otherwise, the round ends and the first player also begins the next round. This prevents a player from losing if there are no names available for the chosen category and chosen letter.

If the timer ever reaches 60 seconds (requiring 46 responses), the round ends in a draw. The player that would have answered next begins the next round.